Cars would not be allowed to park outside Knutsford Wine Bar and neighbouring businesses where bollards currently prevent drivers from mounting the pavement.

"There are big problems with traffic on King Street and a ban on parking is the only alternative left to the council," said Steve Whitehurst, principle engineer for Macclesfield Borough Council.

The council had hoped to move the bollards after reports that delivery lorries struggling to squeeze past parked cars were being forced to 'bounce' vheicles aside.

But the plans had to be abandoned when council bosses discovered the land was owned by the church.

"The council cannot remove the bollards or widen the road because the pavement is privately owned," said Mr Whitehurst.

But nearby businesses, which rely on parking for deliveries and customers, fear a ban will affect trade.

"It would cause a problem for us because customers like to pull up outside," said Benjamin James, manager at Knutsford Wine Bar. "It would not be too bad if they only stopped parking at certain times of the day so my customers could still stop there in the evening."

Customers dropping off large items for repair at Stephen Edwards Electrical would also have a problem.

"Some of our customers bring fridges and vacuum cleaners to be fixed which would not be possible if they could not stop outside the shop," said an assistant.

The council is aware that a ban would anger traders.

"Banning parking on any part on King Street would disappoint and upset traders," said Mr Whitehurst. "But the final decision lies with the local joint highways committee and they will take everything into account."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.