In a statement faxed to the Knutsford Guardian yesterday (Tuesday) a spokesman for Manchester Airport said the number of planes breaking the noise barriers was falling.

"We have a rigourous system using sensitive, high-tech equipment which is far more stringent than all other UK airports," he said.

In 1999 just 94 planes broke the rules compared to 115 the previous year.

The airport collected £24,000 as a result of the drop in the number of fines.

In the past four years the number of aircraft breaking the limit has only risen once.

The figures were released this week after the Guardian passed on a letter from Knutsford resident Martin Baxter.

In an e-mail he demanded that more information was released to the public about the number of planes that were too loud.

"Residents have grown tired of banging their heads against the brick wall of Manchester Airport's complaint system," he said.

"We would like to know whether they are actually attempting to reduce noise levels or whether this is just a public relations exercise in spinning based on carefully selected statistics."

Pakistan International now frequently fly quieter planes over Knutsford and the airport has started working groups to encourage pilots to stick to the rules.

"Many pilots are actively interested in checking their own performance," said a spokesman.

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