VILLAGERS campaigning for better parking in Lymm made their voices heard last week by petitioning the borough council.

Almost 1,000 residents added their signatures to a document to support traders' calls for waiting restrictions to be imposed in the Pepper Street car park.

Traders believe that they are losing valuable passing trade because the car park, which is intended for shoppers, is being used by office workers.

Traders want a 'pay and display' scheme in operation, with a maximum stay of two hours, to free up parking spaces for genuine shoppers.

The petition, which has gained the support of traders and residents, was handed over to Warrington's Mayor and consort, Sheila and Neville Woodyatt, last Thursday morning.

Lymm butcher Malcolm Hopkinson told the GUARDIAN: "I have customers coming into the shop telling me that they have not been able to find a parking space.

"Many people have been driving straight through the village to shop at other places where they can park.

"There are a lot of houses being built in Lymm and we don't think the village's infrastructure can cope with this. We are also getting more offices in the village which are using the Pepper Street car park for all day parking.

"There is limited parking in the village as it is and we are trying to make the council aware of the problem we are facing and encouraging it to look at ways in which the situation can be improved."

Mayor Sheila Woodyatt pledged to personally pass on the petition to council chief executive Steven Broomhead on behalf of villagers and residents.

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