PLANS have been drawn up to make dramatic alterations to Birchwood Mall.

Three separate proposals have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council's development control department and are currently subject to a consultation process.

One concerns improving car parking, the second involves re-modelling the main entrance and the third would increase the size of the building by creating more retail units.

The shopping centre, which is owned by Legal and General, houses an Asda store, as well as a number of other food outlets, chemists, houseware and clothes shops.

If the plans are given the go-ahead, more retail units would be built adjacent to what is currently entrance two. Facilities at car park one would be changed and the main entrance, at the western end of the centre, would be refurbished.

In reports submitted to the council, an agent speaking on behalf of Legal and General said: "There is a clear need to upgrade the main entrance to the centre.

"This would not only improve the external appearance of the main public access, but will create a more welcoming environment for shoppers."

In the application to extend the centre, the spokesman added: "There is a need to strengthen the customer attraction of the eastern end of the centre.

"Providing additional retail units at entrance two will not only improve the quality and choice of shopping, it will also improve pedestrian flow through the centre as more shoppers will walk between the new units and the existing main anchor, ie the Asda store at the western end."

There are also hopes that another foodstore could be re-introduced at the eastern end as previous outlets have now closed.

The application is for outline planning permission as Legal and General says it cannot fix the layout exactly until terms have been agreed with potential retailers.

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