URBAN designers have pinpointed the entrances to Biddulph as crucial areas in the planned regeneration of the town.

The design team was commissioned to undertake a study of the town centre and its northern and southern gateways.

The firm said general impressions of Biddulph by those who did not know the town were poor.

However those who used it regularly saw it more favourably because of the large and convenient free car park and easy access to a wide range of shops and banks.

The firm said negative impressions included the busy and noisy narrow High Street, the poor quality of many buildings, lack of town centre trees and poor appearance of approaches to shops.

The report identified eight key issues for improvements, including the entrances to the town, the market and the quality of pavements and street furniture.

The report will be used by the Biddulph Regeneration Forum as part of its strategy for improving the town centre.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.