THE revelation that McDonalds has applied for planning permission to build a drive-through restaurant adjacent to the Cheshire Academy of Integrated Sport and Arts in Macon Way has caused great concern and anxiety to the hundreds of parents and carers of special needs children and adults who use the academy.

It should be pointed out that the academy has no intrinsic objection to McDonalds as a company however, we feel that its siting next to an important centre for children and adults with special needs is inappropriate and will be counterproductive to the valuable and unique work carried out there.

The academy is the only type of its centre in the UK and is regarded highly amoung health and education professionals. We work closely with the borough council with its work with disability and have won awards from local health trusts for our work on 'Health in the Community'.

It would be a disaster if this work was undone by the inappropriate siting of a McDonalds.

There are a number of alternative sites available quite close to Macon Way. For instance there is space available a few hundred yards up Weston Road which would fulfil McDonalds' siting criteria and I also understand that the construction and developments taking place in Eaton Street have buildings at the planning stage for fast food outlets like Pizza Hut and McDonalds.

Jane Whetnall

Director Cheshire Academy of Integrated Sports and Arts

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