SNUGBURY'S has become involved in a dispute over sales of ice cream outdoors in Nantwich Town Centre.

Joint Owner of the Nantwich Ice Cream company, Christopher Sadler, is annoyed that by-laws prevent the sale of any unwrapped food from outdoor stalls.

The laws mean that stalls found at places such as the Farmers' Market and other borough council-run markets cannot sell high risk foods unless approved by Environmental Health.

Mr Sadler maintains they should have the right to sell ice cream outdoors if they satisfy the health requirements.

"If we can satisfy Environmental Health regulations then what is the problem?," he said.

"The idea that they are somehow saving the public from being poisoned is pathetic," he added.

Paul Eeles, Acting Markets Manager with the borough council, said anyone is welcome to put proposals before the Environmental Health committee.

Mr Eeles maintained that if proposals could be put forward to and passed by the Environmental Health committee which ensure outdoor food stalls meet the regulations then there would not be a problem.

"We have invited Mr Sadler to put forward some proposals but he has not done so," he said.

"The proposals would have to be applicable to everyone, not just for ice cream vendors, as we have got to be even handed," he added.

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