A TEENAGER was rushed to hospital after an horrific accident when he impaled himself on railings at Crewe Crematorium.

Fourteen-year-old Christopher Hunt, from Crewe, speared his arm on the railings while he was playing with friends.

The incident happened at around 2pm on Monday afternoon when Christopher and his friends decided to take a short cut over the Crematorium fence which faces onto Broad Street.

Christopher slipped as he jumped the fence and impaled his left forearm on the ancient ornate railings.

His friends rushed to call the emergency services and two fire engines were dispatched from Crewe station.

Sub Officer Jay Haag attended the incident and said Christopher had around six inches of railing inside his forearm.

Crewe police were also called to the incident to control traffic as large crowds began to gather.

After several attempts fire officers managed to remove a short section of the railing and Christopher was rushed to hospital with a piece of the metal still in his arm.

Christopher was impaled on the railings for around 15 minutes but doctors managed to removed the six inch piece of metal at Leighton Hospital and Christopher is said to be making a speedy recovery.

The accident has highlighted the potential dangers facing youngsters out and about during the summer holidays.

Christopher's mother, Chensini, said: "I hope this serves as a warning to other children not to play on metal railings and also for children not to play where they should not."

A spokesman for Leighton Hospital said: "Christopher is in very good spirits and is making a good recovery."

Christopher is now on the mend in Leighton Hospital. Photo supplied.

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