I READ the article in last week's edition of the Midweek GUARDIAN regarding the change of postcodes with great interest and even greater amusement.

For Brian Davies to state that they can handle both the old and the new addresses for at least 12 months is the most ridiculous statement I have seen for a long time. They cannot even manage the present ones. In fact I cannot find any evidence that they take any notice of postcodes at all in Warrington.

Warwick Avenue, Great Sankey, consists of only 11 properties, all with the same postcode and every person can give stories of mail wrongly delivered to Warwick Avenue, Bewsey, (and vice versa) even though the correct addresses and postcodes are clearly shown.

I have lost count of the number of times I have been in phone and written contact with the Customer Service Centre at Crewe and received assurances, both verbal and written, that procedures have been established to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

I even wrote to Helen Southworth in November of last year. I received a reply from her in December stating that she had written to Crewe and would write to me again when she received a reply from them. I am still waiting. In the meantime post is still going astray - some of it permanently. One elderly woman's credit card went astray and she discovered that cash was being taken from her account. Another neighbour's ferry tickets went to Bewsey and both he and another neighbour have lost bonus facilities from their Barclaycards. That is not to say that people at the other properties are stealing them but probably that they have gone astray once they are put back in the post box.

Anyway, thanks for a good laugh. It's not often we get such amusing stories in your paper.


Warwick Avenue,

Great Sankey

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