ON THE front cover of the GUARDIAN dated August 3 there was a photograph of Oliver Cromwell's statue and a scantily clad young women. The caption reads: "What would Oliver Cromwell say?"

May I venture to say what I think the much maligned and misrepresented Lord Protector might have said to the goings on in our town.

A suitable new caption could be added to the photograph to read thus Gentlemen, see what hath become of that most noble and industrious town of Warrington. This young wrench dressed in the attire of a harlot and the town filled with drunkenness, Sabbath breaking and all manner of evil and I am lately informed by reliable sources that even my former lodging is to become a centre of debauchery. Is not such a place deserving of Almighty God's righteous judgement?


Harding Avenue, Orford

ON THE front cover of the GUARDIAN's August 3 edition there was a photograph of Oliver Cromwell's statue and a scantily clad young women. The caption reads: "What would Oliver Cromwell say?"

May I venture to say what I think the much maligned and misrepresented Lord Protector might have said to the goings-on in our town.

A suitable new caption could be added to the photograph to read thus : "Gentlemen, see what hath become of that most noble and industrious town of Warrington. This young wench dressed in the attire of a harlot and the town filled with drunkenness, Sabbath breaking and all manner of evil and I am lately informed by reliable sources that even my former lodging is to become a centre of debauchery. Is not such a place deserving of Almighty God's righteous judgement?"


Harding Avenue,


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.