THERE has been a lot written in the GUARDIAN about council policy and planning.

The expensive seat and water trough, general planning of Queen's Gardens and Palmyra Square, the sculptures for town centre and the M62 at Winwick. There are many more, the vast majority a waste of money and of little, or no use to Warrington and the people. But a fantastic boost to the collective egos of the council.

Free bus travel for pensioners, a better transport system, more and better parks and green space, the People's Stadium, better maintained roads, pavements and street lights, a town which all age groups can enjoy.

CB Rawes' letter quoting Councillor Roy Humphreys: 'I am a Labour councillor, it's a Labour-run council and I've been told from up above to shut up," says it all. There are still decisions to be made, like the People's Stadium. But that decision has probably already been made. If the decision benefits the council, vote for it. If it benefits Warrington, and/or the people of Warrington, reject it.


Birkdale Road,


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