I AM concerned that the much-needed new stadium for Warrington, The People's Stadium, is about to fall foul of a misguided and short-sighted planning decision by our council leaders.

The stadium is an essential element of the make-up of a town of Warrington's size and aspirations as a city. It will be a focus for a multitude of events, not least of which is Rugby League, and will attract high profile events to our town - we aren't hosting any of the forthcoming World Cup matches because there are better stadiums in other areas.

Further, it will provide the catalyst that will encourage the Winwick Street area to be redeveloped and spark life into projects like the Arena Central leisure scheme, which has planning permission that hasn't been acted on.

What can be improved for match days? Central Station can be promoted more vigorously as an access point to the town. Home fans have a perfectly adequate public transport system that is well used on match days. But, if it is a problem sort it out - that's what we pay the Council to do!

A town like Warrington needs a club like Warrington Wolves to be successful, vibrant and to provide a focus to educational and sporting initiatives. It needs a stadium that people can see, to act as a flagship for the town's hopes and aspirations.

The People's Stadium will help attract people to Warrington, which will bring business opportunities to the town. The council must capitalise on these opportunities by recognising the stadium as a positive development that is in the right place - at the heart of the town, and in the hearts and minds of the people.


Canberra Square,


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