NEIL Shenton is gearing up for a unique double challenge this Saturday.

After making his 'ulton Park debut in the Formula Eurofirst Championship in the afternoon, he faces another race to get down to Stoke for an evening meeting.

Here, after barely having enough time to turn off the ignition, the design engineer will be taking part in the Formula 'ne stock cars.

Neil, 24, of Winsford, said: I have been racing in both championships all season and this is the first time they have clashed.

As soon as the race finishes at 'ulton I will have to leave and head over to Stoke to prepare for the evening race.

Although Neil has been racing in stock cars for two years, this is his first season in the Eurofirst championship and his first competitive race at 'ulton Park.

Although I have not raced at 'ulton before, I have tested there and know the circuit well. he said.

I have had a mixed season so far, but I am looking forward to putting on a good performance and getting a good result at my home circuit.

Neil is constantly on the lookout for sponsorship and two Winsford firms, Combined Tyres and, have already assisted his finances.

If you feel you can help, contact Neil on (01606) 832448 or visit his website at