Staff at Tatton have found Tom Sprott living in Leeds after an appeal in the Knutsford Guardian.

'n Monday Mr Sprott told how he had discovered the 10,000-year-old flints in December 1982 while digging a tunnel with his brother on the banks of Tatton Mere.

As a boy I collected stones so when I found the flints I just thought I'd put them with the others, he said.

But when he got home and showed them to his father he was told that they were no ordinary stones.

I knew what flints were from history lessons but I didn't think it was any big deal, he said. I just wanted to put them in my collection.

He and his father took the flints to Manchester University to find out more about them.

I didn't think archaelogists would be bothered about them because they already had hundreds of flints, he said.

But a team who were excavating around the 'ld Hall at the time were interested in his find.

For it proved that Tatton had been an early site for hunting and community gatherings.

They were still just stones to me, but I realised how important they were when I had my photograph taken for the newspaper.

Staff at Tatton are creating new displays for the 'ld Hall and are eager to tell the young boys story.

Im hoping to go to Tatton quite soon to talk to the staff, he said. I haven't been for years so it will be good fun to see what's there now.