How to market your goods?

Put a sign in the window indicating that customers are not welcome to browse in the shop.

How to sell your business?

Tell the press and anyone else who will listen that no one wants to buy the goods you want to sell - indeed, some days you only take £50.

How to tempt people to take on the business premises?

Rant about the rates.

A few more pointers from the personal perspective of a customer.

Fill your shop window with such an eclectic range of stuff that at first sight it's hard to tell what the core business is. Pictures? Furniture? Dog walking?

And affect a supercilious air if customers apparently do not fit your preferred client profile

So there you have it. A synopsis for her first seminar on how to damage your own business in a town with a significant proportion of potential customers with reasonable disposable incomes.

Ms Allinson's regular outpourings are getting tiresome and wearing.

I suggest we have a flag day for the poor woman.

Or alternatively, she might have a little think about why Broadbent's, Birdcage, Tissotti and Mode-Elle manage to sell garments to youngish women in a way which makes you want to go back.



VIVIENNE Allinson really should put her business acumen to good use by lecturing on an MBA course.

How to market your goods?

Put a sign in the window indicating that customers are not welcome to browse in the shop.

How to sell your business?

Tell the press and anyone else who will listen that no one wants to buy the goods you want to sell - indeed, some days you only take £50.

How to tempt people to take on the business premises?

Rant about the rates.

A few more pointers from the personal perspective of a customer.

Fill your shop window with such an eclectic range of stuff that at first sight it's hard to tell what the core business is. Pictures? Furniture? Dog walking?

And affect a supercilious air if customers apparently do not fit your preferred client profile

So there you have it. A synopsis for her first seminar on how to damage your own business in a town with a significant proportion of potential customers with reasonable disposable incomes.

Ms Allinson's regular outpourings are getting tiresome and wearing.

I suggest we have a flag day for the poor woman.

Or alternatively, she might have a little think about why Broadbent's, Birdcage, Tissotti and Mode-Elle manage to sell garments to youngish women in a way which makes you want to go back.


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.