No one deserved it more.

She had such consideration for people and yet took no credit for her thoughtfulness.

The morning after my mother's pension was stolen, there was a box of 'goodies' on my doorstep for her.

When it was approaching my husband's 50th birthday, I mentioned that he had always wanted to be a pilot but at his time of life it was no longer a possibility.

She casually asked if I had a photograph of him which I could lend to her, 'just to do a little drawing'.

On the morning of his birthday there was a carrier bag on the front door handle.

Inside was a beautiful drawing of John as a Second World War pilot and a lovely book on planes - and attached to our driveway gates, balloons and streamers.

Often in the morning, the letter box rattled - first the newspaper, then the post and after that biscuits for my dog from Pat who loved animals so much.

All her beautiful Christmas cards, with personalised messages are greatly treasured, and as your article said, she will be greatly missed.




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