I AM writing to give my support to the grandparents of the little girl in Windmill Hill.

I find it difficult to understand why she was taken away from two very loving and caring people with whom she has shared a very loving environment.

What gives those social people the right to say that she would be better elsewhere, how dare they?

I always thought that Social Services were there to help.

What a joke.

That little girl must be fretting so much and it doesn't bare thinking about as to how that poor couple are coping.

Why doesn't Social Services think about the feelings of the three people involved.

Give them back their grandchild where she will be loved and cared for better than anyone else can do.

I am a grandparent too and I have lost all faith in this so called caring system.

I feel very much for this couple and I wait and hope for the return of their beloved grandchild.

M Baxter, Glastonbury Close, Sandymoor, Runcorn.

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