IS there someone in Widnes or Runcorn doing a rain dance? I am so fed up with the weather, it's the only explanation I can think of! People are so depressed, flights are fully booked with everyone escaping to the sun.

KEN Barlow is ridiculed for writing his column in the Weatherfield Gazette. I am very proud of doing my little column in The World. Papers like this are the backbone of the community so I wish Coronation Street scriptwriters would stop knocking Ken!

I'M not going all religious but I'd like to give you something to ponder on. I read this the other day: 'The Kingdom of God is inside you, not made of wood and stone'. If all the churches were sold, there would be an awful lot of money to do a lot of good - whatever the religion.

I recently visited a Catholic church and saw them taking communion. I was gobsmacked that in this day and age, people are still using the same cup! With all the diseases that are around, I wouldn't like to be sharing a cup with 600 other people.

WE'VE been hearing a lot recently about paedophiles. A lot of people have been talking about it on my phone in on Radio City 96.7. People are saying all sorts of things but I believe nobody in any country has found a solution.

Some people say they should be castrated like dogs. But, if you castrate a dog, it might take away some of the urge, but it doesn't stop them sniffing around females.

With paedophiles, I think it will just make them angrier, more evil and more dangerous. It is often not about sex but about the control of children, domination and power.

I think young girls are using the morning after pill as a get out. A survey in Manchester has just revealed that 100 girls under 16 have been using it. With the high number of teenage pregnancies in Halton, I think this will just make it easier to have sex.

I did a piece on Central TV this week all about sex on holiday. I was appalled by some of the viewers' claims. One woman had sex with 300 men in two years while another girl had sex with 10 men in the airport while her flight was delayed! Both women were married with children. I'm no prude but I just think people have lost their morals. I can't understand the mentality of these women. Will we ever get back to old fashioned values?

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.