POLICE in Halton are calling for closer links with communities in their fight to cut crime in the borough.

The plea comes after residents from Crow Wood appealed to Halton's Divisional Commander, Supt Helen King to rid their streets of drink, drugs and violence.

But when officers from Halton's community action team followed up their complaints, they discovered that only a handful of incidents had actually been reported.

Inspector Chris Clarke is in charge of the team, and along with two sergeants and 15 police officers they hope to tackle problems like those experienced by residents in Crow Wood.

Speaking to the World this week, Insp Clarke explained how the team works.

"The team deals with repetitive nuisance, anything which is an identifiable recurring problem which will require more time than the average patrol officer has got," he said.

"We will look at the cause of the problem and look at why it is occuring.

"We understand the needs of local people and why they may be reluctant to make statements but this isn't always necessary.

"What I would like to see is people feeding their information to us through the housing authorities or through the council, they don't need to speak directly to us.

"We have developed good links with the relevant agencies.

"If communities stick together they can police themselves. People may be able to bully an individual but they can't bully an entire community."

Anyone wishing to report concerns directly to the team can call 01244-613920 or alternatively, contact their housing authority or the Crimestoppers line in confidence on 0800-555 111.

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