A YOUNG father is running a marathon for cancer research - six months after his wife died from breast cancer.

David Ingall is taking part in the Liverpool half marathon in memory of his wife, Jill.

He said: "Jill lost her battle after four years of intensive treatment including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.

"More devastating for Jill than the physical suffering was dealing with the constant set-backs, the ultimate hopelessness of the situation and leaving behind our daughter Katie, now five.

"It is with these thoughts in mind that I am determined to raise as much money as possible for breast cancer research."

David, who works for ICI Chlor-Chemicals, is raising money for Christie Hospital.

Breast cancer is still a major cause of cancer deaths in women with one in 12 contracting the disease.

Although death rates are falling slightly due to screening, improved treatments and women coming forward earlier with symptoms, there is still a great need for further research.

Christie Hospital in Manchester is a specialist cancer centre for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.

It takes patients from all over the North West for rare or difficult to treat cancers.

Professor Tony Howell and his team are very interested in the development and use of drugs to try and prevent the disease.

Professor Howell said: "A diagnosis of breast cancer can be devastating and Jill faced her disease with tremendous courage.

"Funds are always needed for research into breast cancer so we are very grateful to David for helping us by taking part in the half marathon."

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