AN EXTRA 97 critical care beds will be made available in hospitals throughout the North West for next winter.

North Cheshire Health authority will receive an extra £1,430 for additional critical care for 2000/2001.

It is part of an additional £63 million cash boost by the NHS to bridge the gap between hospital and home.

The money will be used to provide support for patients who no longer need hospital care but are not quite well enough to care for themselves at home.

Pooled budgets shared between health and social services will create provide step down care in hospitals, private nursing homes and support at home.

The winter plans, announced by health minister Lord Hunt, are aimed at curbing the problems faced by hospitals in recent years.

A package of measures to deal with the coming winter are already in place.

Lord Hunt said: "The NHS plan puts patients at the heart of the health service. We are determined to improve patients' experiences of the NHS and it is important that people can get prompt access to high quality care whatever time of year it is and whatever additional pressures are placed on the service."

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