MORE then 2,000 people from as far afield as Kent and Glossop attended last weekend's Folk and Roots Festival in Nantwich.

The event was a brilliant success as people enjoyed the glorious sunshine on the Mill Island.

The Friday night gig in the Civic was received well according to organiser Clare Smith.

"It was well attended and it was really busy, everyone was dancing," she said.

"We had 2,000 people through the gates over the weekend also," she added.

Clare reported that people had been making positive comments throughout the weekend and a lot of partiers were from out of the area.

"I talked with people from Glossop, Kent, Somerset and Cumbria who had come especially for the festival," she said.

Clare also maintained the response was better than that which the Arts Festival received earlier in the year.

"I am pleased with the amount of people who came nationally but a bit more local support would have been great," she said.

The town centre and surrounding pubs were heaving during the weekend with the town centre entertainment going down well.

DJ Mark Radcliffe's band were particular favourites with the crowd in hysterics at the DJ's antics.

Clare added: "It was great, there was a real buzz about the town."

In last week's GUARDIAN it was wrongly stated that Baka Beyond, who were appearing in the Folk Festival, was a band made from West African tribesmen when it was actually made up from people who had visited such tribes. The GUARDIAN apologises for any confusion caused.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.