AN A-LEVEL student from Verdin High School has gained excellent exam results - despite a severe visual impairment.

Lee Jones, of Moss Bank, has a heriditary eye condition but gained an A grade in Psychology, B grades in Biology and Information Technology and a C in General Studies.

Lee, 18, said: "I feel great, but I'm also very relieved."

Lee has studied at Verdin for seven years, with the help of a team of Visual Impairment Support Officers, headed by Linda Evans, who made sure his needs were catered for during his studies.

Lee is particularly grateful for the officers' efforts. He said: "They made sure my books were enlarged, they supplied me with a computer so I could access the curriculum and made sure I could see what was on the board."

Lee has now secured a place at the University of Loughborough to study Psychology, he said: "I chose Loughborough because they have the best support for disabled people, but I don't start until October so there's plenty of time to sort things out."

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