EIGHT students at Hartford High School have gained A Level Art - two years early.

And five of the eight students achieved full marks for one of their components.

Art teacher, Mr Boulton, said: "This is a very talented group of students and the results are a well-deserved reward for the very high level of dedication and enthusiasm shown by all through the course."

The school maintains a 100 per cent pass rate having entered 50 students over the last seven years in A Level Art.

Julie Hazeldine, Head of Art and Technology, said: "These are the best results we have ever achieved - due entirely to the talent and hard work of the students and their teacher, Mr Boulton."

Laura Goodfellow, Mairi Rudkin, Joseph Simpson, Clare Thornhill, Graham Turner, Amy Yoxall gained As and Hannah Walker and Sophie Ferguson-Taylor gained Bs.

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