AS Regimental Secretary of The Queen's Lancashire Regiment, Warrington's local Infantry regiment, I wrote to correct some factual inaccuracies in the GUARDIAN issue August 10. They are contained in an article headed 'Old Soldiers Crusade to Bring Bugles Home', the old soldier being Mr Ron Hollingsworth, a member of the Warrington Branch of our Regimental Association.

The bugles in question are those of the former 4th Battalion The South Lancashire Regiment. As such they are Regimental property and the trustees of our charity are charged with their preservation and concerned that they should be put to the best appropriate use. Accordingly, on disbandment of the 4th South Lancashires they were loaned successively to other Warrington TA Units. Sadly these units did not look after them properly and, as Ron Hollingsworth correctly states, four burgles and, many ancillary items were lost. Eventually, since the bugles were no longer used, we withdrew them to avoid further loss or damage to what we regard as an important part of our Regimental heritage. This was some five years ago, not thirty.

It was then our responsibility to ensure that the bugles were put to good use within the Reginment. There would be little point in loaning them to any of the excellent Army Cadet Force detachments in the Warrington area since, having no Corps of Drums, they would be unable to play or maintain them. They are therefore currently on loan to the Lancashire Army Cadet Force Corps of Drums where they are, as always intended, played by young Lancastrians. Whilst we share Mr Hollingsworth's understandable wish that the instruments should be played by Warrington-based buglers of the Regiment, no appropriate unit at present exists. Warrington people have our assurance that as soon as a local Corps of Drums is formed the surviving bugles will be made available for their use. Meanwhile we welcome any publicity which might lead to the return of the four missing instruments. Anyone who can help in that respect is requested to telephone Regional Headquarters (01772 260426).

Finally, I might add, all of this might have been explained to Mr Hollingsworth had he cared to speak to us before launching his 'crusade'.


The Queen's Lancashire Regiment

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