STEP into the Tardis with Warrington writer Peter Trengrove and take an action-packed journey through time and space.

Genesis of a War Lord is the former Priestley College student's latest literary creation - and he is hoping for a publisher to fulfil his dream and put his work into print.

Peter, aged 21, of Clifton Street, was born with cystic fibrosis and doctors at Alder Hey Children's Hospital gave him just days to live.

Now he wants to give readers an insight into the condition through a gripping story, which reflects his treatment as a cystic fibrosis patient.

Inspired by his love of the adventures of Dr Who and the care he has received - with a few handy hints from customers at Morrisons, who chat with Peter as he scans their shopping at his check-out - the book seeks to give readers an insight into his life.

His tale starts at Warrington's Central Station.

"I turn off the engine of my Austin Allegro and the numbers on the gear stick change into symbols, spelling Tardis," said Peter.

Visions of blue police boxes and Daleks flying through space spin in front of him, and it's then time for Peter to meet the Time Lords and set off on a mission to their home planet of Gallifrey.

Peter explained: "Gallifrey is similar to a hospital. It's a place where you are not disturbed and you meet other people who are going through the same thing.

"When you learn the rules of time travel, all the information is slowly released from the subconscious into the memory."

His character travels on a space mission to Mars and sees cloning and the impact of the discovery of the human gene. All of these themes are linked to developments in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.

"I am hoping to find a publisher to take it on, so that other people can reflect on how people with cystic fibrosis feel," said Peter.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.