CROWDS of visitors learned about fire safety during an open day at Birchwood fire station on Saturday.

Children and adults were shown how to extinguish a chip pan blaze and firefighters demonstrated how quickly a fire can spread.

Excited youngsters were also given the chance to sit in a fire engine, walk through a specially-constructed smoke tent and meet the firefighters who tackle blazes every day.

Fundraising activities during the day included a tombola stall, face painting and a raffle.

The event was in aid of the fire service's benevolent fund, which provides care for injured firefighters, and also helps the widows and children of firefighters.

Dave Dowling, station commander at Birchwood, said: "We would like to thank everybody for attending and supporting our event and hope that they enjoyed the day.

"The public should not forget that the fire station belongs to them and if they want any further advice they should call round and talk to us about safety or chat about careers in the fire brigade."

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