AN ENTERPRISING £.5m initiative has been launched to help unemployed youngsters find a job.

BT has teamed up with The Prince's Trust to produce a video, called Reach for Success.

It will be used as part of a 12 week programme to help young people develop their communication skills.

Anyone wishing to find out more about The Prince's Trust Volunteers programme can phone 0800 842 842 or visit the web site at

By enabling youngsters to express themselves clearly and be understood, it is hoped their job hunting skills will be improved.

The course starts in September and will be based on every day scenarios that young people encounter, followed by practical workshop activities.

Peter Lister, Prince's Trust regional director for the North West, said: "Unemployed 16-25 year olds can join new volunteers teams to help them gain new skills and move on in their lives.

"BT's video and on-going support for the programme will give them the opportunity to develop this key skill, increasing their job chances."

BT's community programme is contributing £500,000 towards a three year Reach for Success programme.

Simple conversations and presentations, listening, telling and understanding will be used to help youngsters develop their interpersonal skills.

The course forms part of a communications unit, which can lead to an NVQ.

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