We rent a bungalow on castlefields from LHT. I know people complain about the estate but we love it here. I am also near to my mum who is elderly and needs looking after so I certainly don't want to move. We want to buy our bungalow. When we approached LHT about this matter we were told we were unable to buy the property because we had the wrong sort of tennancy agreement. We have an assured tennancy instead of a secure one. I was absolutley shocked and disgusted to discover I had no right to buy this property. It should have been clearly stated on the assured tennancy agreement that I had no right to buy. 30 years of rent has already been payed on this property. That makes over £80,000! and now LHT expect me to pay them another £70,000 over the next 25 years and still have nothing to show for it! I feel terribly let down by LHT. We want to own our own home, go on family holidays and have a nice car just like everyone else but how stupid of me to forget that low income families are'nt allowed any dreams are they? We will now probably have to leave the estate and buy a property elsewhere, but don't worry LHT we have spent a lot of time, money and effort making "your" property look beautiful. You will have no problem re-renting it and extracting your pound of flesh. We on the other hand will have to start again from scratch. I am certainly not one of LHT's happy customers they are always telling us about. Thanks a lot LHT.

Let down Castlefields resident

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