REPLYING to Cllr Mike Hodgkinson's views of speed ramp/humps on roads in the area, I would like to ask the councillor if he would take up another safety matter in his own area.

Would he like to approach the Heath school or the local traffic police in order to ask one or the other to stress to the pupils within the school the importance of using a zebra crossing correctly and that abuse to drivers is not welcomed.

How many times do drivers use Clifton Road at school times and have to stop inches from a figure or figures who step out onto the crossing with his or her back to the traffic without a thought as to whether there is any.

Although the majority of people would like two sets of eyes we were not blessed with the same and one needs to turn one's head to see the rear.

I have lost count of the number of times it has affected me or members of my family.

Law of averages arrives eventually and then the poor driver will be blamed.

Name and address supplied

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