HEARTBROKEN former pupils are planning to hold an emotional reunion before their school disappears forever.

Historic Simms Cross School - built in 1878 - will be bulldozed if plans for a giant Asda superstore in Widnes go ahead.

A decision from the Government is expected soon, following a public inquiry.

"We are so sad the school is going to be knocked down," said former pupil, Irene Lydiate (nee Tilston). "It was a lovely school and the building itself has some very interesting architecture.

"It has gargoyles and the words 'boys', 'girls' and 'cookery' in stone above the old doorways."

Irene and a team of former pupils, including Cllr Stan Parker, are organising a reunion on Saturday, September 23 from 10am to 4pm.

"Everyone who attended the school will be welcome," said Irene.

"We would love to hear from anyone who has photographs or can draw up a class list or memories list, which we can display on the day."

An appeal has even been launched on the Internet to trace former pupils who may live in other parts of the UK or abroad.

"It is a great opportunity to meet and remember school friends before, sadly, the school will just be a memory," said Irene.

This week, local historian Bob Martindale kindly loanerd The World this precious old class photograph, taken in 1922.

He said: "I would love to hear from anyone who can identify any of these children. I don't know any of their names."

Anyone who has old photographs or memorabilia can phone Irene on 0151-423 5515.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.