TEENAGE singer Sophie Forrester who appeared on the front page of last week's Widnes World sang on my Radio City 96.7 show this week.

She rang me up on Sunday night and said she'd been receiving some crank calls. I'm sorry to hear about this but it's a hard world she's coming into. She sounds very confident for a 13-year-old. I'm sure all these knocks will only help to make her even more determined. I wish her the best of luck.

I AM furious after reading about the latest antics of Charles Bronson, dubbed Britain's most dangerous prisoner. He has just released a three hour video showing how he held a teacher hostage in jail, leading him round Hull prison like a dog. He says he will donate any profits from the video of his 44-hour siege to a children's charity.

I am absolutely appalled that he could even get hold of such a recording! Apparently, he has even got his own agent who says the former armed robber just wants to be able to put across his side of the story! To me, when you go to prison, you have no rights in any shape or form.

Why should he be allowed to make any money from such despicable behaviour? I think it is dreadful that any charity could take such money.

HERE'S a thought for you - why don't we make videos when we die to leave advice for our grandchildren, friends and people we love? I think someone should set up a business for 'After Life advice'. It sounds morbid but I believe that people have got a lot of advice they would like to leave to their loved ones - on a tape.

I CAN'T imagine what the parents and families of those poor Russian sailors trapped on that stricken sub must be going through. These men are being talked about by Russian officials as if they are not even human. The trauma being suffered by their relatives - men, woman and children - as they wait for news must be absolute torture. My heart goes out to them.

I AM not even going to mention Big Brother because it's getting so boring!

BURGLARIES are on the increase, according to the latest statistics. If people didn't take and receive stolen goods, I believe there would be very few burglaries.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.