JAPANESE researchers visited Widnes this week as part of a study of river schemes.

They crossed the newly opened Trans Pennine Trail link bridge at Pickerings Pasture in Halebank.

The visitors from Kurume University in southern Japan are studying environmental projects.

A spokesperson for Halton Council said: "The Japanese visitors are interested in the Mersey Basin Campaign's work with community, voluntary and privaate sectors. They want to see how, with its partners, including the council, it obtains funding for practical works, such as the Trans-Pennine Trail."

The Halton section of the 240km coast to coast trail from Liverpool to Hull was opened in May, following the completion of the steel bridge which crosses Ditton Brook at Pickerings Pasture to link Halebank and West Bank.

The project was a partnership venture between Halton Council, private enterprise and local walking groups.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.