A FRESH appeal was made this week in the hunt for the savage killer of Widnes mother-of-two Vera Anderson.

Detectives are convinced someone living locally holds the clue to solve one of the biggest murder enquiries ever conducted in Cheshire.

Speaking exclusively to The World this week, Det Sgt John Iley said: "I feel there is somebody out there who has that vital piece of information."

It is exactly nine years ago this week since the blood-stained body of Vera, 42 was found slumped in the front seat of her car in an alleyway off Tannery Lane, Penketh.

In a violent struggle, she had been strangled and her throat slashed.

It was a brutal, sadistic attack. Yet despite a massive investigation, 6,500 interviews and a feature on BBC TV's Crimewatch, detectives still have no idea why she was killed.

Vera dashed out of her home in Hadfield Close, Halton View, at 10.10pm on Saturday, August 24, 1991 after receiving a mystery phone call.

She left her seven-year-old son, Neil with a neighbour, saying she would be back in 10 minutes. Five hours later, she was found dead.

She had not been raped, robbed or sexually assaulted - her bank account and lifestyle showed no sign of wealth.

Her relatives and friends say she had no enemies.

Det Sgt Iley said: "When it first happened, it touched peoples' hearts. Many many people came forward.

"Over the course of the years, it has gone quiet."

A full in-depth review of the case was carried out last year.

"Various lines of enquiry were dealt with," said Det Sgt Iley. "I would like to renew our appeal and ask people to come forward, in confidence. Perhaps somebody can tell us how this woman met such a horrible death.

"It doesn't matter that so much time has passed. Any piece of information, however small, will be dealt with by an experienced detective.

"This case will never be closed until the killer is caught."

Anyone with information is asked to ring Det Sgt John Iley on 01244-613831 or call crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800-555 111.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.