A TEENAGE boy needed 13 stitches in his lip after being viciously assaulted with a snooker cue in Widnes town centre.

The 18-year-old was walking past Simms Cross pub, with his friend, when he was suddenly attacked.

He was struck on the mouth and face and had to be treated in hospital for his injuries.

His friend tried to intervene and was attacked by another youth who smashed a beer bottle in his face.

Fortunately, the 18-year-old boy managed to put his hands up to protect his face, but received cuts to his hands.

Detectives believe the two attackers may have been playing snooker, prior to the attack at 11pm on Tuesday, August 22.

The first offender was a white male, 5ft 8ins to 5ft 9ins, aged 20, clean shaven, with short black hair brushed forward with gel.

He was wearing dark blue jacket and trousers.

His accomplice was a white male, 5ft 6ins-5ft 7ins, aged 18-19, of medium build. He was wearing a black top and white track suit.

He was carrying a full length snooker cue.

Anyone with information is asked to phone DC Simon Fisher or Tim Holden on 01244-613733 or call crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800-555 111.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.