A DISABLED man with paralysed hands was barred from a restaurant to celebrate his mum's 60th birthday this week - because he can't use a knife and fork.

Crippled Paul Hughes, 30, only wanted to be a drinking guest at her dinner party - because he is too embarrassed to eat in public.

Paul, of Halton Village, was struck with a muscle wasting disease when he was 18-years-old and is also losing the use of his legs.

His incensed mum, Margaret, said: "It was heartbreaking. Paul can't eat in public because he is too embarrassed.

"He normally comes out with us and it has never been a problem. He eats at home and then sits beside us and has a drink.

"The manager said we had to buy a meal with knife and fork for Paul or he would not be allowed in the restaurant.

"I am really angry. Paul is not a child or imbecile. He is very bright. There is nothing wrong with his mind, he is just physically disabled."

Joe Nicholson, owner of The Hare and Hounds restaurant in Crowton near Northwich refused to let Paul join his mum's dinner party this week - unless he had a meal.

Mr Nicholson said: "The stipulation of the licensing committee is that guests in the restaurant have to have a meal with a knife and fork and I was not prepared to take any risks.

"Mrs Hughes' son is welcome but he would have to have a meal even if he chose not to eat it."

Mrs Hughes has cancelled the booking and is now seeking legal advice.

"I want to do something because I would hate anyone else to go through this. Paul has had enough knocks in his life. He doesn't like a fuss normally but he was angry because he felt this was going to spoil my birthday.

Margaret has re-booked her celebration dinner at the Daresbury Park Hotel on Friday, where she says staff have been more then happy to accommodate Paul.

A spokesman for disability group RADAR said: "Service providers should make reasonable changes to practices and procedures to accommodate disabled people."

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