SEVENTEEN families living in Weston village breathed a sigh of relief this week after their homes were given the all-clear.

Chemical giant ICI declared this week that a further 17 properties tested in the latest search for the toxic gas hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) were safe.

An ICI spokesman said: "All of these results have been well below the acceptable indoor standard of 0.6ppb - a standard determined by North Cheshire Health Authority."

Scientists are using a more highly sensitive equipment for this second round of checks.

It follows the discovery in January of toxic vapours seeping into homesfrom underground former chemical dumps.

So far, of the properties re-tested for HCBD using the new highly sensitive equipment, 51 were below the acceptable standard and two houses beside the north quarry in Weston Road, were above.

Around 120 homes in the green zone will be tested over the next 12-15 weeks as part of a rolling programme to see if seasonal variations have any effect on the gas.

Altogether, 23 homes in Weston village and the Scout hut have tested positive with HCBD.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.