PRIMARY school head Martin Casserley is in line for practical help to cope with the increasing popularity of his school.

Blackfirs Primary in Longdown Road, Congleton, currently provides places for 210 pupils.

However the actual number on roll next month will be 255.

Forecasts for future years say pupil numbers will remain at or around that number, indicating a need for extra accommodation.

As a result the education authority is planning to create a two-classroom extension at the school, complete with disabled toilet and shower.

Borough planning chief Geoff Allen said the extension would eliminate the need to use temporary classrooms.

"It will also enable the school to reduce its class sizes, which are currently in excess of recommended numbers," he added.

"On completion of the project the classroom currently being used in the temporary building, which is shared with the local playgroup, will be released to the playgroup.

"It is also proposed to provide a compensatory hard play area sufficient to provide a netball court. There will be 16 full-time education staff at the school on completion of the project."

The netball court would compensate for the loss of grass play area earmarked for the new classroom block.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.