A SEWING-MAD pensioner from Sandbach was shocked to learn she had won an embroidery competition...in Australia!

Eighty-two-year-old Gwynneth Goodfellow, of Green Street, Sandbach, has been sewing for 20 years and is well known locally for her skills.

Gwynneth loves to embroider and when Australian, Julie Shaschuller, visited the town last Christmas and happened to see her work she fell in love and asked to meet the lady.

Julie asked if Gwynneth could create a woodland scene for her but unfortunately as she was leaving in March there was not enough time.

However the Aussie offered to buy one of Gwynneth's ready made works of art and snapped up a piece entitled 'Bluebell Wood'.

The picture is of a woodland scene with three deer featured, explained Gwynneth: "She comes from Darwin which is quite barren so she wanted a picture with trees."

Eight months later and Gywnneth has recently learnt that her picture was entered in The Royal Darwin Show winning first prize and also scooping an award for best frame.

Gywneth, who worked on the Sandbach Millennium Tapestry, has also been sent the prize money for the picture by her kind hearted Australian admirer.

It takes the patient sewer around six months to create her masterpieces which are A4 in size: "I got hooked when I went to a sewing class being run at Sandbach Library," Gwynneth added.

Gwynneth is still attending the same club, although they have moved base since, and intends to keep sewing for as long as possible.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.