WOODFORD Lodge has more reason to celebrate than most - with a pass rate increase of over 50 per cent on last year.

Almost 30 per cent of GCSE students achieved five or more A* to C grades with an impressive 17 students gaining 10 or more.

Delighted headteacher Steve Meeks said: "Following hot on the heels of the school's very successful OFSTED inspection earlier in the year, this is further confirmation that Woodford Lodge is a school enjoying building on success.

"I am particularly pleased that our students' achievements are across the board with a outstanding 97 per cent of students achieving five or more passes."

Woodford's outstanding performers were Sarah Bowyer, who plans to continue her studies in the school's sixth form, with eight A*s and three As.

She was closely followed by Corey Haywood with three A*s, seven As and one B.

Lauren Sharkey, Emma Lever and Gerald Telfer were all celebrating 10 or more passes at grade B or above.

Lesley Boyer, head of sixth form at Woodford Lodge, said: "I am absolutely delighted to have so many talented students entering the sixth form and am confident that we will enable them to achieve equally brilliantly in two years time."

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