THE funeral of a Middlewich man who died after being infected by salmonella was held yesterday, Tuesday.

Kenneth Lea and his fiance Sheila James had been planning a Christmas wedding before he was struck down by the bug that may have affected as many as 14 people across Cheshire.

Speaking just before the funeral, Miss James, 53, said: "We are all very distressed. I do not want to believe he has gone.

"Ken was such a wonderful man. You could not wish to meet a nicer person."

Mr Lea, 53, was admitted to Leighton Hospital on Wednesday, August 9.

Two days later he was transferred to intensive care, but he died on Thursday, August 17, after developing septiciaemia. The funeral was held at St Michael and All Angels Church.

Miss James was also infected with the bug.

"I feel very unwell and I'm receiving medication for both the salmonella and to help me cope. This is all just too much for me," she said.

South Cheshire Health Authority's Outbreak Control Team has now confirmed nine cases of the particular strain of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104, with another five awaiting results.

A spokesman for the team said: "A second case was admitted to hospital, but has now been discharged. Final laboratory tests are now in progress on five others.

"All other cases have either recovered or are improving and there have been no new cases reported."

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