A WINSFORD mother fears further heartache after her son was involved in the Alder Hey scandal - even though he died in 1999.

Julie Wilkinson lost her son Owen Williams when he was four and a half months old, on January 29, 1999.

When the news of the organ scandal broke in September that year she felt sure Owen was not involved.

"I was told that it involved children who died in the late eighties and early nineties," said Miss Wilkinson.

"That is what everyone seems to believe, but I phoned the helpline anyway and was told they had taken Owen's heart.

"Now they have found this new store of organs and again they say it could not be Owen, but I know it could be.

"I feel like he is not up in heaven. We've been cheated of a little boy and cheated of letting him rest in peace."

Miss Wilkinson has been in touch with hospital staff who say they will get back to her as soon as they know anything.

Now she wants a public enquiry over the matter.

"Every time the phone rings I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown," she said.

"He would have been two in a few weeks time, but we might be having another burial instead. I want people to know that this is still happening and we don't know who to blame."

A spokesman for Alder Hey and Liverpool NHS Trust said: "The discovery last week of brain organs relates from 1990 to 1995, so we are very confident that Miss Wilkinson's son will not be involved."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.