POLICE in Northwich are investigating the possibility of a copycat robber who made off with thousands of pounds in cash from the town's Cheshire Building Society just days after a similar raid in Wilmslow.

The incident happened shortly before 5pm last Tuesday, August 22 at the The Bull Ring branch, when a man entered the building and jumped over the counter in front of terrified staff.

He then threatened workers and ordered them not to press any security alarms as he emptied each cash draw and stuffed money into his pockets.

After jumping back over the counter the offender then left the building and crossed the town bridge over the River Weaver.

Police spokesman DS Nigel Wenham said: "There were a number of members of staff present and although no one was physically injured it is fair to say they were extremely frightened, upset and distressed."

Just five days earlier a man had walked into the building society's Wilmslow branch and also went behind the counter taking money from the drawers.

DS Wenham added: "At the moment we are liaising with other divisions for any other offences which this male may have been involved in and it's important that we get hold of him as quickly as possible.

"The Wilmslow robbery certainly has some similarities in the way it was carried out and also the description of the offender."

Anyone who may be able to help with the identity of the offender or who was in Northwich town centre at the time of the robbery and may have seen someone acting suspiciously is asked to call DS Wenham on 01244 613259 or Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.

The offender is described as a white man, 33 to 35 years of age, of slim to medium build with light coloured sandy hair and a moustache.

At the time of the robbery at the Bull Ring branch he was wearing white trainers, dark Reebok tracksuit bottoms and an aqua blue or green shirt.

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