THE latest offering from The Harlequin Players is a desert island disaster that follows a middle-management team-building exercise which collapses on Neville's Island.

The play, written by Tim Firth, is a tragi-comedy featuring Neville, Gordon, Angus and Roy as they leave Penine Spring Water Ltd for a business outward bound weekend.

What should have been a run-of-the-mill exercise turns into a slapstick nightmare when the team boat hits the rocks (literally and metaphorically) and leaves the four stranded on an uninhabited island.

Bound in fog, menaced by wildlife and cut off from the world, the exercise turns into a carnival of recrimination, French cricket and sausages.

And what should have been a bonding process turns into a muddy, bloody fight for survival as four characters are studied, tested to the limit and, ultimately, show their true colours.

The lead roles are taken by Dave Gilliver, Chris Saunders, Chris Finney and Tudor Jones. And with Guardian Rose Bowl award winner for overall excellence, Don Hirst, controlling the direction, the first show of the Harlequins new season looks set to be a sure-fire winner.

The show is on from Thursday, September 7, to Sunday, September 9 at 7.45pm.

Tickets costing £4.50 (£3.50 concessions) are available from the box office on 01606 41597.

Nine local charities have so far benefited from the Harlequins Charity Evenings.

The dress rehearsal evening for each play is given over to a local charity which sells tickets to its supporters who then enjoy an evening of drama whilst helping their favoured charity.

Charities including the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Cancer Research and Winsford Inner Wheel Kosova Appeal have benefited to the tune of between £350 and £500.

If you would like your charity to benefit from a Harlequins evening ring Michael Melville on 01606 888216.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.