THERE were celebrations at St Nicholas RC High School on Thursday after records continued to be broken.

The school has achieved the highest percentage of A* and A grades in its history and over 51 per cent of candidates gained 10 or more A to C grades.

None of the full-time students achieved less than six A* to G grades.

Headteacher Gerrard Boyle said: "The year group, across the whole ability range, has exceded our expectations.

"All our young people deserve great credit."

One person who merits very special commendation is Hannah Rose.

Hannah became seriously ill in May, 1999, and remained in intensive care and subsequently the high dependency unit at Alder Hey Hospital - yet she gained an A* in German, a B in Mathematics and a C in English Language.

Mr Boyle, added: "She's a remarkable young woman and she achieved stunning results.

"We are all delighted in her success and offer her our well-deserved congratulations."

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