AN Irish singer who has won numerous awards and has their own fan club comes to Winsford this weekend.

Mary Duff will be at the civic hall on Friday, September 1 bringing her unique blend of country music and solo vocals.

Mary, who started singing when she was just 12, has won many awards over the years and was recently voted 'Best British Female Artist' for the second year running by the British Country Music Association.

She has just released her new video, Mary Duff Live, has recorded numerous CDs and is now working on her new album to be released later this year.

Mary has toured extensively all over the world performing with Daniel O'Donnell and the legendary Garth Crooks.

Now she is embarking on a solo tour and it is this concert that is coming to Winsford, courtesy of the Mary Duff Appreciation Society.

The society was formed in 1993 and has grown from just a few members to well over 700 today.

The members organise two concerts a year and even run a nine-day tour to Ireland called The Mary Duff Experience.

The concert on Friday starts at 7.30pm and tickets, costing £12 are available from June Roberts on 862898 or the box office on 867539.

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