If the planners interpret the planning laws and Government guidelines consistently then these plans will NOT be passed because the houses planned are very little changed from their last planning application in March.

We believe that application was refused on the grounds that a percentage (not defined) of the houses must be 'affordable' - for young, local, first-time buyers presumably.

Well, having seen both sets of plans, the only difference on the latest application appears to be the reduction in number of houses from 30 to 26, and the removal of a couple of pseudo 'bell towers' which were included on the March plans.

We cannot believe that these changes will bring the houses into most people's perception of what is 'affordable' for young, first-time buyers.

After their application was refused in March, Seddons' comment was, if we recall correctly, that they were not interested in that end of the market.

The plans submitted this month appear to reinforce the fact that they certainly are NOT!

We are totally opposed to the demolition of Kilrie.

It would be a major loss to the town of yet another architecturally interesting landmark - only to be replaced by three-storey terraces of over-priced housing which will be well out of reach for our local, young people.

We shall see whether the planners are as tenacious in their dealings with mighty Seddons as they have been in the recent past with those little people in the borough such as the couple who dared to turn a small section of their field into a garden.

We have our doubts that the developers will meet the same ferocious opposition - and suspect that they were promised the outcome at the time they bought Kilrie from Cheshire County Council for a knock-down bargain price.


Warren Avenue


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.