For none of them mentioned the obvious.

I don't mean money, personality or what job they do.

I am on about height.

I am a single male in my 30's and have been on countless blind dates (some of which were disasters) but I would say that these days that the majority of ladies prefer to be seen with taller men.

I'm only 5ft 4 and what I lack in height I make up for in personality.

I know I'm not built like a Chippendale or have the looks of Tom Cruise or George Clooney but I am ME and just want to meet a lady and be happy.

Is it too much to ask?

I'm not into nightclubs or noisy pubs but I am NOT boring and have a lot of love to offer Miss Right if she exists.

I have a reasonably well paid job and I am in good health.

All I want is to love and be loved.

I work in a town centre pub at night so I don't have any problems talking to ladies or meeting them. It's just keeping hold of them.

I hope you print this letter as I just felt a little surprised height wasn't mentioned by the ladies in your report.

The pub I work in if any ladies are interested in coming is The Lord Eldon.


Mallard Close


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