Railtrack say the trains will be replaced by 'track-friendly' wagons at the end of the year.

But until then, they will not lower the 60mph speed limit.

The news was little consolation to residents living near the railway line.

"The problem is getting worse," said Robin Marsh, of Springwood Avenue.

"The trains are going so fast they shake my house like wouldn't believe."

The wagons transport limestone from Tunstead to Brunner Mond's factory near Northwich.

Track between Mobberley and Montmorency Close has already been replaced with a new seamless track to reduce the tremors.

During that work a speed limit of 25mph was imposed. "The speed limit helped to reduce the vibrations a lot but I could still feel them," said Mr Marsh.

On Monday no one was available for comment at Railtrack.

But Mr Marsh said the tremors could be reduced further if Railtrack replaced the remaining stretch of old track up to Parkgate.

"There is about half a mile of old track at the back of our house that has been left," he said. "I am sure that if they replaced it, the vibrations would be a lot better to live with."

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