Superintendent Derek Barnett said on Monday that police bosses were discussing which divisions would be allocated the new officers.

"At this stage I am not aware of what officers will be sent where," he said.

Be he hoped some of the 147 officers would be based within the Macclesfield division, which covers Knutsford.

The final decision will be made by Cheshire's Chief Constable Nigel Burgess, who will consider the population, road mileage, types of roads, economic factors and crime levels of each division.

Superintendent Barnett will then allocate the new recruits to the towns in his patch.

This week Clr Wilson Hamman said more police were desperately needed in Knutsford.

"Some nights they are stretched to the limit," he said.

The town councillor suggested that speeding fines could be used help to fund extra officers.

On Monday Superintendent Barnett said it could be 'months' before extra officers were on patrol in any town.

"I think we would all like to see more officers," he said.

"But there is a strict recruitment process and it will take several months before they arrive in the force."

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